Celebrating Employee Milestones with Activation Programs

Aug 28, 2021 | Services & Solutions

Of course, you appreciate your company’s people for their dedication and talent. Celebrating employee milestones with activation programs is a great way to show it. Not only do activation programs demonstrate your appreciation, they literally activate your employees to promote your business. In this era of remote work environments and social media sharing, it pays to engage your employees in a way that makes them want to share about your healthy company culture.

What’s an Activation Program?

An activation program is a formal component of a business, designed to acknowledge achievement and honor milestones such as years of service. The purpose of incorporating an activation program is to say thank you, as well as to promote positive energy. Happy, appreciated workers are more likely to share that good feeling over social media and by word of mouth. Engaged employees wear the t-shirt with your logo, drink from the branded water bottle, and generally support your company’s reputation as a positive work environment.

Activation Programs Say Thank You

Celebrations for achievement and time with the company When do you want to say thank you to an employee? Typical opportunities include:

  • Achievement of a work goal
  • Completion of a certificate or degree
  • Promotion
  • Work anniversary

There are many ways to say thank you, as well as, well done. Branded merchandise such as logo-customized apparel is friendly and looks terrific in social media shares. High-end and themed gifts including cocktail sets and fitness-oriented gifts convey appreciation beautifully. For full impact, accompany a gift with a personalized note that speaks directly to the recipient.

Promote Team Spirit to Promote Your Business

According to Prophet, people who feel socially engaged at work stay with the company longer. In addition, employees who feel valued see their company as more competitive, and share an optimism about the future of the business. How does this bright attitude benefit your company directly? That’s where the activation part comes into play. Engaged employees are more likely to:

Increase brand awareness by promoting their positive experience of the company through their own communication channels
Encourage employees to reach further and higher for their own professional goals
Worker confidence and loyalty is a win-win for everybody (except the competition).

Honor Time by Celebrating Milestones

Celebrating employee milestones with activation programs takes on more meaning in the current work-from-home age. Plus, it’s a fact across industries: employee turnover is high. While a celebration of time spent with the company expresses appreciation for employee loyalty, acknowledgement also inspires re-engagement. Whether you are welcoming a new hire or saying thank you for ten years of hard work and achievement, a gesture that says, I see you goes a long way to maintaining a productive bond. Ideas include:

  • Gift Cards
  • Awards Plaques
  • Branded Merchandise
  • Vacation Packages
  • Club Trips

Whether you choose a practical, physical item such as a water bottle, or a high-end experience such as a getaway weekend, the gift is only as good as the intention behind it. The real gift is the confidence and gratitude that inspires the gift in the first place!

Partner with your employees to promote your company with activation programs that perform on every level. CCG Promo will design and customize a program that makes brand ambassadors of the team. Contact us today to learn more about kits, gifts, and promotional merchandise for incentives and employee reward programs.